Life-Saving Technology - ECMO
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a life-support machine for patients who have a severe and life-threatening illness that stops their heart or lungs from working properly, such as severe lung damage from infection, heart attack and, most recently - the most serious cases of COVID 19.
Dignity Health East Valley has committed to launching an ECMO program to make this life-saving technology available to patients and families in the East Valley. Together we will ensure that more parents, like Ryan Parker (pictured at left, who was treated at Chandler and then transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center), have access to the ECMO modality when they have life-threatening conditions that affect their lungs or heart.
“Last July I contracted a devastating case of COVID-19. Being a resident of Chandler, I naturally went to Chandler Regional’s ER when I got sick. I got so sick that I nearly passed away, and had to be transferred to St Joseph’s by ambulance to receive life-saving care, specifically ECMO, as it wasn’t available at Chandler Regional. My family lives in Chandler and Tucson, so they had to travel quite far every day in order to visit me. To have ECMO available at Chandler Regional would have been a huge blessing to my family and me, but I’m fortunate to have survived. ECMO is truly life-saving technology, and I’m so thankful it saved mine.” - Ryan Parker, East Valley resident and COVID-19 survivor
“Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is not just a lifesaving modality, it can make a tremendous improvement upon the survivor’s quality of life post treatment. Early intervention with ECMO can contribute to allowing for a quicker recovery from illness thereby avoiding some of the sequelae of a long term illness. Having ECMO available in the East Valley will be a wonderful asset to the frontline staff at Chandler Regional Medical Center, and will provide life-saving intervention for patients from all over the East Valley.” - Trish Coryea-Hafkey – Director of ICU, Chandler Regional Medical Center
Our community has rallied around this urgent need and $175,000 was raised through our annual George Rozsa Golf Classic.
$100,000 more is needed in order to make ECMO a reality for our East Valley community. Please consider giving a gift in support of this effort!