Join Today!
Power of the Purse is a group of passionate and active women who like to gather with other like-minded women and volunteer their time, talents and treasure in our community. Our members care deeply about the health care needs of women and families throughout the east valley and have the opportunity to partner on projects that have a ripple effect on improving the lives of many people in our community.
Our Funds Raised to Support Projects:
Voting members of the Power of the Purse philanthropic society cast ballots to select the fundraising projects for the upcoming year. These projects align with Dignity Health’s strategic vision for serving women and families. In the first five years, the efforts of the women resulted in over $250,000 funding the Children’s Dental Clinic, purchasing a vision-screening device for young children, 3-D mammography equipoment, providing a second two-day stroke camp for survivors and their caregivers, and purchasing a software that is vital to efficiently serving patients within the hospitals.
Join Power of the Purse on-line today
Wristlet Member $200 Minimum Annual Dues
- Make an impact on important programs that benefit east valley families
- Voting privileges for annual projects
- Invitation to volunteer with Power of the Purse members in the community and at Chandler Regional and Mercy Gilbert Medical Centers
- Networking opportunities with hospital professionals and community leaders
- Regular Power of the Purse project updates
- Recognition in Dignity Health Foundation - East Valley Annual Report
- Power of the Purse Membership Pin
- Invitation for you and your friends to attend the annual "It's in the Bag" Soiree
Evening Clutch Member $400 Minimum Annual Dues
Everything listed in the "Wristlet Membership" plus the following benefits:
- Opportunity to attend signature hospital events
- 10% off Chandler Regional and Mercy Gilbert gift shop purchases
For more information, Contact Us.